On Wednesday (2024-12-11), the Nasdaq rose above 20,000 points, with an annual increase of over 33%, while the S&P and the Dow rose by 27% and 17% respectively. The Big Seven collectively rose, with Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta and Tesla all hitting intraday record highs."A Historical Opportunity for US Stocks Once in 10 Years" Link Address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/253213175? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152The more complicated and changeable the world environment is, as long as the US dollar remains the world currency, the greater the chances of US stocks. One of the core reasons is that it is strong enough that no country can be enemies!
"US stocks, a once-in-a-decade opportunity" Link address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/246184140? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152"Once-in-a-decade opportunity, don't miss it" Link address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/226615175? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152Stock: American stock seven heroes+
"Historical Opportunity: US Stocks" Link Address: https://xueqiu.com/2584083152/240686453? scene=1036&share_uid=2584083152Second, the investment strategy:Boss S&P 500ETF(513500) and its corresponding OTC fund are Boss S&P 500 Connection A(050025).